Why should I have a title report?

Why should I have a title report?
There are many things disclosed in a title report, many of which do not pertain to surveying. However, a surveyor generally will want to see a title report because it will disclose any easements and property rights that may exist on the property. When we are surveying a property to define its boundary, or building space, we will require the vesting deeds for your property, as well as those of your neighbors. A single piece of property is like a puzzle, in that it fits in between other properties. In order to see how your property fits, we need to see how the neighbors fit as well. The deeds are a written document that describes your land. The title company will provide these deeds along with the title report so that we can properly resolve your boundary. These records are available at the county, however; only a title company has the tools to properly research and assemble all the deeds necessary to get a clear picture of your property and the easements that may exist on it.